Sonnenwelt Großschönau

An interactive journey through twelve ages of human history – available in three languages and controlled by an integrated WiFi positioning system. The focus is on playful elements for young visitors. Moreover, a strong mutual relationship was aspired between the exhibition architecture and the media guides.
Visitors embark on a multimedia-based, individual journey through the time: before starting, they make use of the media guide to trigger the taking of a personal photograph. The resulting portrait is then inserted automatically into the presentational elements of the media guide, making sure that the visitor regularly meets himself in the course of the exhibition: as an ancient Roman, as a climate scientist and even as an astronaut.
The journey through the time comes along with small quiz questions and games. Interaction opportunities within the exhibition enable visitors to collect points on their media guides.
At the end, they receive an individual certificate showing a personal image, the score of points achieved and the personal climate protection objectives as a reward.
In the Sonnenwelt (Sun world) everything revolves around the core subject of energy in consideration of our climate and our environment.