Nuremberg’s medieval dungeon

A visit to Nuremberg’s medieval dungeon provides an authentic insight into the inhumane conditions of medieval prisons. Previously this was only possible with a guided tour. Thanks to indoor navigation it is now also possible for individuals to visit the site themselves.
The main focus of the project was the development of the multimedia content. The tours are greatly dramatically enhanced by the audio clips developed especially for the media-guide. Different protagonists can have their say: A condemned robber tells of his spectacular, successful jailbreak. Prominent inmate Veit Stoß complains about the scars inflicted on him during torture. The prison guard’s wife scolds at the burden of cleaning the cells.

History is told in stories. And it is available in German, English, Italian and Spanish. In order to make this cultural heritage inclusive and accessible to even more people, the guided tours are also offered in German easy- and sign-language.